Some indispensable resources.
See also: Resources for Musicians.
Words of Mouth
Weekly curated newsletter sharing creative and multi-disciplinary opportunities.
Hacker News: Who's Hiring?
See also: Freelance opportunities.
Selected Work
Another excellent weekly curated newsletter sharing opportunities, mainly in the art world.
Where Are the Black Designers?
Non-profit design advocacy organization, by and for Black designers.
Job postings, community support and more.
Blog and vibrant virtual community for artists. There's a monthly fee to enjoy membership benefits, but I think it's worth it just to be able to join the slack channel. Other folks provide feedback for work, classifieds, general questions about "making it" in the art world, etc.
Working/Not Working
Community and job postings for creative opportunities. Free to join as an artist/creative.
Business of Fashion - Jobs
Job postings in the fashion industry.
New York Foundation for the Arts - Classifieds
Art jobs and other opportunities.
Creatively - Jobs
Job postings in the fashion industry + beyond.
Listings Project
Weekly curated newsletter sharing classifieds for creative studio shares, aparmtents and more.
Fuck Gatekeeping
Excellent resource for anyone trying to break into the professional world of photography.
Freelancer's Union
An organization dedicated to providing support for freelance workers.
The Creative Independent
Inspirational and practical guidance for artists. Highly highly recommend.
Eye on Design
Editorial platform that explores life as a modern-day designer.
Film Courage
Excellent youtube channel with a seemingly infinite archive of stories and wisdom from the world of film and television. Highly recommend for anyone who is an artist.
Casting calls & auditions in NYC.
Brooklyn Spaces
An archive of unique artist spaces in Brooklyn + beyond. This site hasn't been updated since 2015, but it's still pretty cool; quite a few of these spaces are still around. A good reference for photographers/musicians/producers interested in shooting or performing in a unique space.
All things cinematography.
Brooklyn Arts Council
Yearly grants and resources for Brooklyn-based artists.
Queens Council on the Arts
Yearly grants and resources for Queens-based artists.
See also: the freelance isn't free law.
library genesis
file-sharing based shadow library website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, images, comics, audiobooks, and magazines. The site enables free access to content that is otherwise paywalled or not digitized elsewhere
great women animators
great women animators
366 weird movies
366 weird movies
UbuWeb is a pirate shadow library consisting of hundreds of thousands of freely downloadable avant-garde artifacts.
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